DBHIDS Learning Hub

DBHIDS Learning Hub



Access Code: LHAccess20

(If you are a CBH or DBHIDS internal employee do not create a new account and please contact [email protected] to create an account for you)

Welcome to the DBHIDS Learning Hub! Here, you will find a number of courses for behavioral health professionals in Philadelphia including:

  • COVID-19 Safety
  • Opioid Use Disorder Overview, Treatment & Resources
  • Intimate Partner Violence Overview
  • Stages of Change and Building Motivation
  • Chart Documentation
  • Treatment Planning
  • Professionalism, Ethics & Boundaries

Follow the steps listed below to create your account.



  1. Open a new browser window, preferably Google Chrome or Firefox (Do not use Internet Explorer)
  2. Go to DBHIDS Learning Hub at https://learninghub.dbhids.org/splash

The, “Create Your Account” button will take you to a form to complete. Read the eligibility criteria for creating an account with the DBHIDS Learning Hub. If you do not meet criteria, you will not be able to complete the form. If you do meet criteria, click, “yes.” The “Create Your Account” button will take you to a form to complete. Read the eligibility criteria for creating an account with the DBHIDS Learning Hub. If you do not meet criteria, you will not be able to complete the form. If you do meet criteria, click, “yes.”


Next, add the Access Code that you have received. The Access Code for the DBHIDS Learning Hub is LHAccess20.You will not be able to create an account without an Access Code.

Add your primary work email address. This email address should be associated with an agency that accepts CBH members for services. This email address will act as your username and will not change, regardless of whether you have the same email address. Always use this to log in. Create a secure password with 7 characters and verify that password below it.

Under, “Create your Profile,” add your name to each of the designated boxes. The display name will appear at the top of your account page when you log in. The names you put in prefix, first name, middle name, last name, and suffix will appear on your transcript as well as your certificates of completion so please be mindful of the name you are using.


Under, “Employment Information,” add your job title, the agency for which you work and program name. Please check off your highest level of education. If it is not listed here, check, “Other” and continue.

Under, “Level of Care,” choose the level of care descriptions that apply to your job. Choose as many level of care options as applicable.


In, “Contact Info,” provide an alternate email address. This email address will be used to rest your password if you no longer have access to the work email you used to create the account. This can also be used to help communicate any changes to job titles, place of business, or personal info in the DBHIDS Learning Hub.
Providing a cell phone number is optional. If you are interested in receiving text messages regarding the cancellation of in-person trainings, you can choose to allow the DBHIDS Learning Hub to send you text messages. Otherwise, choose no. These cancellations will also be sent out via email.

In, “Primary Work Address,” please provide the physical address of your Agency.


Under, “Areas of Interest,” click on each topic area that interests you. This will help the DBHIDS Learning Hub team identify which courses and content to offer. You can choose more than one. Once you have reviewed your registration form, click, “Register.” Following this, you will receive an email from the DBHIDS Learning Hub informing you that your account has been created. This email will provide you with instructions for accessing your account.

If you have trouble with this form, please contact the Learning Hub at [email protected].


Once you have created an account, log into the system with the following instructions:

  1. Open a new browser window, preferably Google Chrome or Firefox (Do not use Internet Explorer)
  2. Go To: https://dbhids.org/learninghub
  3. Your Username is your work email address

If you cannot remember your password, you can always reset it by clicking the, “Rest Password” button at the bottom of the page. An email will be sent to the email address you used to sign up for the DBHIDS Learning Hub. If this email does not come to your email address, check your Spam folder to make sure that it has not been sent there.

If you have trouble logging into the system, please reach out to the DBHIDS Learning Hub Team via email at [email protected]


Once you successfully logged into the DBHIDS Learning Hub, take a look at the Welcome Page. On the right side of the page, you will find a section for announcements. This section will inform you of new and interesting courses that are available to you through the DBHIDS Learning Hub. You can also find announcements about the DBHIDS Learning Hub itself here.
At the bottom of the page is a calendar that will inform you of upcoming due dates for courses on the Learning Hub as well as an in-person courses for which you have signed up.



At the top of your page there is a tab called, “My Courses.”At the top of your page there is a tab called, “My Courses.”

In this section you will be able to view courses to which you have access. Courses can be assigned to you by the system administrator or you can add specific courses yourself by enrolling in them from your Electives Tab. In your My Courses page, you are able to click on the, “Open,” button to the right of the course and this will launch it. Again, make sure that you are not using Internet Explorer to open complete these courses. Internet Explorer may not save your progress.


You can also choose a session for an in-classroom training. Open the course and choose the Sessions button to register for a specific session.


When completing a course, make sure you read all the instructions first. Some instructions will tell you that you must complete the course and an evaluation in order to access your certificate of completion.


If you need to unregister from an in-classroom session, open up the session for which you registered. You will be able to see a button that says, “Unregister.” Click this and you will be immediately unregistered for that session. You will not be able to register for multiple sessions of the same course if you are already registered for one.

If you have any trouble registering for a course, reach out to the DBHIDS Learning Hub via email at [email protected].



To add classes to your My Courses tab, you can enroll in them from the Electives Tab. If you click on the Electives tab at the top of the page, you can view the available courses.

Once you click on the Electives tab, look through the courses and see which ones you would like to take. If you click the, “Open,” button, you will be able to see a description of the course. Make sure you read all the instructions for a course before enrolling in it.


Clicking, “Enroll,” next to a course will prompt a box with a description of the course to pop up. If you are still interested in enrolling in the course, scroll to the bottom of the box and click, “Enroll.”

Once you click the, “Enroll,” button, the course will appear in your My Courses tab.



If you want to see a record of the courses that you have taken, you can click on the, “Transcript,” button. This will allow you to see the courses, the score you received, and the date it was completed. You can also choose the Adobe icon on the right-hand side of the screen to get a PDF of your course completions.


If you have any questions or are experiencing difficulty with a course, contact to the DBHIDS Learning Hub team via email at [email protected]. In your email, be as detailed as possible as you describe the issue or question so that we can provide you with the best help possible.

Need help with the DBHIDS Learning Hub? Email us at [email protected]