DDAP On-Site Training Request Form for Philadelphia

The following is a description of the process for requesting an on-site training, which is regulated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP). As stipulated by DDAP, on-site training requests for Philadelphia County must come through the Philadelphia Single County Authority (SCA) or its designee. In this case, the designee for the Philadelphia SCA is the Behavioral Health Training and Education Network (BHTEN). All requests will be handled by Yvette Kamimura-Jones, Behavioral Health Training Specialist at BHTEN. Her contact information is as follows:

Large_Yvette K. Jones Headshot (1)

Yvette Kamimura-Jones

520 N. Delaware Avenue, Suite 205
Philadelphia, PA 19123
Phone: 215-923-2116, ext. 280
E-mail: [email protected]

Before completing and submitting this form, please read the following regulations established by DDAP:

1. "No On-Site Training Requests will be approved if the requested training is or has been offered in
a Mini-Regional training or another approved On-Site Training within thirty days and fifty (50) miles of the requestor. When planning On-Site trainings based on this directive, SCAs and providers are encouraged to utilize a regional approach” (this statement is taken directly from the DDAP Bulletin No. 4-06, DDAP Training System Protocols; please contact BHTEN if you would like to received a faxed copy of this bulletin; this can also be e-mailed to you).

2. On-site training requests must be received by DDAP, through the SCA. Trainings should be requested between 180 days and 90 days. Failure to adhere to these timeframes will result in denial of your on-site training request by DDAP.

3. On-site training requests can also be denied if there is insufficient funds in a given approved trainers’ contract.

Those requesting on-site trainings must check the DDAP Training Management System (TMS) website. In order to do so, you must go to Click here for DDAP on-site training request and register as a site user (this is free and only takes a few minutes). Doing this allows you to view all regional training, mini-regional trainings and onsite training requests that have been approved by DDAP; this includes information about topic, training date(s), location, etc. and will help you as you get ready to submit a training request. Following this procedure will lessen the chance that your on-site training request will be denied by DDAP.

You should also check the training dates of the BHTEN annual calendar which can be made available to you or which you can check at www.bhten.com

Once you have checked the DDAP training management system, you can fill out the training request form below.

Fill Out Form