Applications for Trainers to Join the Three-Tiered Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Training Series Initiative

BHTEN’s Intimate Partner & Sexual Violence Series launched in 2020, emerging from a partnership with the Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disability Services (DBHIdS) and the Philadelphia Office of Domestic Violence Strategies. In the past four years, the training series has reached over 1,000 providers across Philadelphia’s behavioral health system and expanded to offer 10 distinct trainings. This year, to meet the current system needs articulated by our communities in the 2024 BHTEN Intimate Partner Violence Series Survey, the series is growing even further.


We are excited to invite applications for trainings in four critical topic areas: sexual violence, assessing for intimate partner violence, trauma-informed organizational policy, and supporting immigrant survivors. We also welcome applicants to propose additional relevant topics. The intended audience for these courses will be clinicians and other members of behavioral health service teams (e.g. case managers), and courses should be designed at an intermediate/advanced level to build upon the foundational knowledge developed in introductory trainings in the series.


Please read and complete the attached application in its entirety by Friday, June 7 at 3 PM.


Applications and any questions can be sent to Sarah Pallivalapil-Karerat, Behavioral Health Training Specialist, at [email protected]

CLICK HERE to access the application